THURSDAY SEPT 3 G 808: Dragon Con is the Atomsplit hometown convention where we started our convention touring career and…
By G808 When I first saw the headline for the blog post: Visualising Superheroes With Average American Body Types I immediately…
How I Make The Weekly Comic Page in Manga Studio, Illustrator & Photoshop BY G808: (Also posted on the Atomsplit…
From G808: (Originally posted on our Tumblr ) When you write and draw a webcomic about a rock band with…
Savage Tenacity From G808: In December of 2014 Erik Larsen’s Savage Dragon reached issue 200 and I find that absolutely…
By G808: I posted a full article on our Tumblr site chronicling the full process I used to create the…
By G808: Are you a country fan? If so have you seen this video project showing how every popular country…
How to Draw the Fantastic Four By now I’m sure everyone has seen the new Fantastic Four preview that hit…
A Musical Invasion by G808 There is an invasion of the world going on. Did you know? Are you scared?…
My Top 5 Inspiring Comic Artists By G808 Last month as the years was ending Comic Book Resources made a…
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